When tempest tossed, embrace chaos

Who Is Kiki Chaos?

A couple of years ago a friend had a games night and, for a laugh, gave all the guests silly name tags to wear, like 'Polly Darton' and 'Jilly Boel'. Except my name tag was 'Kiki Chaos'. She said she made it up and it just seemed to suit me. I kind of liked it. Perhaps it was the alliteration, perhaps the reference to chaos seemed so apt... most probably I liked being different from everyone else that night! I always remembered it and today I have a use for it.

The Life and Times of Kiki Chaos is my way of thinking about something other than the chaotic parts of life. While I'd like to think that happy is the opposite of chaos, I think Dean Koontz was onto something when he wrote 'When tempest tossed, embrace chaos'.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I know I will enjoy the diversion of creating it.


Kiki Chaos


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